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Please note that the Site Assessment and Selection Methodology (Appendix 5.b(ii) to the Statement of Consultation) originally displayed on this website on 20th January 2015, was replaced on 26th February 2015 by the documents shown below. The first document shows amendments made to the original Site Assessment and Selection Methodology. These amendments are shown in red type, so that they can readily be identified. The second document merely shows the complete amended Site Assessment and Selection Methodology.
Site Assessment and Selection Methodology with amendments shown in red with Appendix 1
Site Assessment and Selection Methodology with Appendix 1
Chronological List of Documents
1. Briefing Note to Parish Council Meeting held on 02.10.12.
2. Issues Report dated January 2013 Appendix 1 to Issues Report Appendix 2 to Issues Report
3. Armthorpe Neighbourhood Development Plan Provisional (pre-statutory Regulation) Draft dated August 2013
4. First Draft Armthorpe Neighbourhood Development Plan - February 2014 Appendix 1 to Draft Plan - Armthorpe Proposals Map Appendix 2 to Draft Plan - Site 1, The Lings, West Moor Link Appendix 3 to Draft Plan - Site 2, Land west of Hatfield Lane
Responses to comments received to the consultation on the First Draft Armthorpe Neighbourhood Development Plan from members of the public.
Policies ANP10 and 11 have been amended for the reason that there is no Appendix 3 Appendix 1 to Second Draft Plan - Armthorpe Proposals Map Appendix 2 to Second Draft Plan - Green Wedge Proposals Map
Second Draft Armthorpe Neighbourhood Development Plan - August 2014
Appendix 1 to Second Draft Plan - Armthorpe Proposals Map Appendix 2 to Second Draft Plan - Armthorpe Housing Sites Appendix 3 to Second Draft Plan - Armthorpe Employment Sites Appendix 4 to Second Draft Plan - Green Wedge Proposals Map Appendix 5 to Second Draft Plan - Car Parking Standards
6. Armthorpe Neighbourhood Development Plan - December 2014 approved by Armthorpe Parish Council on 16th December 2014 for submission as a proposal to Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council, the local planning authority, in accordance with the statutory regulations
Basic Conditions Statement
Statement of Consultation Appendices - List of Documents
1. List of Consultees and Meetings
2. The Issues Stage Documents
2.a The Issues Report Appendix 1 to Issues Report Appendix 2 to Issues Report
2.b The Issues Report Leaflet
2.c The Issues Public Consultation responses on Housing Sites December 2012/January 2013
3. Provisional (Pre-regulation) Armthorpe Draft Neighbourhood Plan Documents
3.a Provisional (Pre-regulation) Armthorpe Draft Neighbourhood Plan Appendix 1 to Draft Plan - Armthorpe Proposals Map Appendix 2 to Draft Plan - Site 1, The Lings, West Moor Link Appendix 3 to Draft Plan - Site 2, Land west of Hatfield Lane
3.c General Statement
3.d Responses to comments received to the consultation on the Provisional (Pre-regulation) Draft Armthorpe Neighbourhood Development Plan from members of the public.
3.e Replies to responses received to the consultation on the Provisional (Pre-regulation) Draft Armthorpe Neighbourhood Development Plan from landowners/developers and/or agents and statutory consultees.
4. First Draft Armthorpe Neighbourhood Development Plan Documents
4.a First Draft Armthorpe Neighbourhood Development Plan Appendix 1 to Draft Plan - Armthorpe Proposals Map Appendix 2 to Draft Plan - Site 1, The Lings, West Moor Link Appendix 3 to Draft Plan - Site 2, Land west of Hatfield Lane
4.b General Statement
4.c Responses to comments received to the consultation on the (first) Draft Armthorpe Neighbourhood Development Plan from members of the public.
4.d Replies from the Parish Council to responses received to the consultation on the (first) Draft Armthorpe Neighbourhood Development Plan from landowners/developers and/or agents and statutory consultees.
4.e “Have Your Say” leaflet
4.f Scoping Opinion sought from DMBC regarding SA/SEA appraisal
4.g DMBC Answer saying SA/SEA not required
5. Second Draft Armthorpe Neighbourhood Development Plan documents
5.a Second Draft Armthorpe Neighbourhood Development Plan Appendix 1 to Second Draft Plan - Armthorpe Proposals Map Appendix 2 to Second Draft Plan - Green Wedge Proposals Map
5.b (i) URS Pro-forma
(ii) Site Assessment and Selection Methodology with amendments shown in red
5.c “Have Your Say” leaflet
5.d General Statement
5.e Advice to Parish Council that SA/SEA appraisal be undertaken
5.f SA/SEA Report and Appendix approving Draft AND Plan
5.g Responses to comments received to the consultation on the Second Draft Armthorpe Neighbourhood Development Plan from members of the public
5.h Replies from the Parish Council to responses received to the consultation on the Second Draft Armthorpe Neighbourhood Development Plan from landowners/developers and/or agents and statutory consultees
5.i. Report re consultation with pupils of Shaw Wood Academy
5.j Armthorpe Neighbourhood Development Plan published with all changes shown in red type and coloured yellow.
5.k Armthorpe Neighbourhood Development Plan proposal.
Armthorpe Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group
Terms of Reference
Minutes 2012-13
Agenda 18.03.14
Agenda 14.01.14
Agenda 10.12.13
Agenda 19.11.13
Agenda 08.10.13
Agenda 10.09.13
Agenda 18.06.13
Agenda 21.05.13
Agenda 24.04.13
Agenda 12.03.13
Agenda 22.01.03
Agenda 18.12.12
Agenda 20.11.12
Agenda 16.10.12 Item 5 - Terms of Reference Item 8 - Issues Report Item 9 - Consultation and Engagement Proposals