Your Council
Armthorpe Parish Council
The Council is a local authority by virtue of the Local Government Act 1972, although it has been in existence since 1894 under an Act of Parliament passed at that time. It comprises of fifteen Members. Members of the Council are democratically elected for six years and will automatically retire from office in May 2021, when the next local council election is held.
All Members of the Council have signed up to the Council’s Code of Conduct and accordingly registered their various interests, which may be inspected by members of the public. The register of each member's interests is on deposit at Armthorpe Community Centre and may be inspected during the Centre’s opening hours or by clicking on each councillor's name below.
Members of the Council are not paid for their services, which are entirely voluntary.
The names and contact telephone numbers of all Members of the Council (in alphabetical order) are shown below:-
Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Council
The Council is required by law to appoint from its Members a Chairman and Vice-Chairman. During the municipal year 2018/19, the Chairman of the Council is Councillor S. McGuinness and the Vice-Chairman is Councillor A.J. Berwick.
Employees of the Council
The names of the Council’s main full and part-time employees with contact telephone numbers, are as follows:-
Graham Shephard, Solicitor and Clerk to the Council – 01302 709699
Julie E. Hardy, Administrative Assistant - 01302 830543
Carl Hughes, Sports and Recreation Officer - 07526791188
John Hardy, Community Centre Manager/General Assistant – 01302 830543
Rob Smith & John Farmer, Relief Assistant Community Centre Managers - 01302 830543
Teresa Williams, Gatekeeper at the Rands Lane Burial Ground - 01302 709699
Elizabeth Cameron, Gatekeeper at the Cow House Lane Playing Field - 01302 709699
Meetings and Business
The Council conducts its business at various meetings, which it holds throughout each year.
All meetings are held at Armthorpe Community Centre and commence at 7 pm. They are held during each month of the year except August, which is the recess. All meetings are open to the public, except those meetings or parts of the same where the public is excluded by resolution.
Council Meetings
The Council meets eleven times a year on the first Tuesday in each month and at other times when a special meeting is called. It comprises all Members of the Council. Its meetings deal with all matters that have not previously been delegated to the following Committees.